PR That Thinks Outside The Box

Talkaboutables - Creative PR Approaches That Move The Needle

Over the years we have taken a special pride in brainstorming with our clients in thinking of creative ways to gaining additional media exposure – in helping them create something in their media campaign that was totally outside the box from our traditional media placements.

What makes one of our projects a prime candidate for more outside the box treatment? First and foremost, like all of our projects, for us to get involved in any media event/campaign we have to think that it has potential media coverage written all over it, but that it could also benefit from a more creative approach to really shine through.

From bringing books to the stage in play form, taking books to film and TV, to the creation of unique web series episodes to gather attention and buzz, the name of the game is getting our clients “talked about”, hence the name and approach called “Talkaboutables”.

The most important thing to know about “Talkaboutables”, is that there is no one-size fits all approach. Each initiative is planned in complete concert with our client’s needs, and their long and short-term goals.

Let’s take a look at a few examples beginning with the realm of creating a web series.

The client below thought that by creating their own web series and posting it up on digital platforms it would draw additional media exposure and attention to their book/products or expertise and they enjoyed a nice media bounce as a result.

Creating a successful web series is a lot of fun, and also a tough undertaking, but for clients where the need fits, and where they have the time and financial wherewithal to make this happen it can be a powerful tool and it’s a conversation worth having.  

Custom PR Means Exploring All Opportunities For Our Clients

For other clients, such as Dr. Renee Jordan, shown at right, she thought she had a powerful wonderful message that could easily be scripted and made into a stage play… she was right! As with launching a web series, the needed time and financial wherewithal also applied to bringing works to stage, and hers was wonderfully received in Hollywood, CA. Another client’s work was brought to the stage in N.Y.C in Greenwich Village – both got the media bounce they were looking for … and that is what “Talkaboutables” is all about.

We could go on and on with the many other different avenues that we’ve ventured onto with clients that are not your traditional media exposure paths … have an idea for a podcast? Think you have a piece of work that might be a good candidate for the stage, or want to start your own web series to promote your work? As we like to say, if you’ve been holding onto a media idea that has got you by the tail, let’s chat.

Steve Allen Media worked with author Bruce Adams to turn his story into a web series

A Web Series Can Be A Great Way To Gain Traction and Following

Helping this client launch and promote a new series paid big dividends for her project and ability to pitch to larger audiences